Massage with Somatic Experiencing®
What is Massage in Water with Somatic Experiencing?
I combine Remedial Massage, Somatic Experiencing®, Aquatic Bodywork - WATSU, WaterDance, Healing Dance and Craniosacral work to ease and dissolve tension in the body, heart and mind that accumulates over time due to stress and trauma. My offerings are focussed on supporting the nervous system to return to a natural state of calm. I am passionate about my current life-transforming six year study in Somatic Experiencing® with Dr. Peter Levine. This knowledge and experience is woven into all my offerings.
Warm Water Massage happens in warm water that is close to body temperature. By being moved and stretched the body relaxes deeply and accesses a meditative state. Warm water is a a magical healing agent and it needs to be experienced to be believed.
Sessions unfold in an organic and creative way and consist of three parts. As your practitioner I respond to whatever issue is arising and ready to be met.
We start with a check in. You share your wishes and intentions for what wants to be explored, expressed and healed. This could be physical pain and injury such as neck, back and shoulder pain, emotional grief and distress such as anxiety, loss and separation or spiritual longing. Together we listen to what your body has to share, preparing to understand it more deeply through movement, sensation and touch. Part of this process is about connecting you to your inner resources in a way that enhances your day-to-day life.
The second part is the massage in warm water where you will be massaged, held, moved, stretched and danced. Your body will feel nurtured and free.
The final part (which is optional and includes a nose-clip) is being fully submerged under water. This activates the diving reflex, a neurological pathway for rest and rejuvenation in the body. It instantly and effortlessly deepens the breath and brings you into a meditative state. Being moved underwater offers another level of freedom in the body.
Why is it so important to regulate the nervous system?
The warm water is a unique and powerful environment for regulating the nervous system. When your nervous system is regulated you feel grounded and safe and able to meet the wounds of the past with greater compassion and understanding. Your life can unfold with loving awareness & presence. We all want to be seen and heard in our deepest authenticity. When we experience being held in the warmth of the water, relational healing occurs and early attachment wounds can be healed. This can support healthy, secure connection in your current relationships.
I use a diverse combination of techniques that will support you to:
Track sensations and feelings in the body
Repair boundaries and feel empowered
Connect with your Inner Resources including your Inner Child, playful or wounded and Inner Protectors
What are some of the outcomes?
Alleviation of physical pain and injury such as neck, back and shoulder pain
A happy relaxed body
Inner child connection
Safe Attachment - Repair of ruptures and other emotional wounds
Repair of inter-generational trauma
Enriched intimacy and positive sexuality
Increased resilience, creativity and playfulness, clarity and relaxation.
Aquatic Bodywork modalities
I studied WATSU® (Water Shiatsu) with Harold Dull, the creator, and became a practitioner in 1998.
WATSU® uses stretches and principles of Zen Shiatsu to identify where blockages can be released along the meridians, so ‘Chi’ flows.
WATSU® is based on stretching, which strengthens muscles and increases flexibility and range of motion. Warm water, and the continuous support it provides is ideal for freeing the spine. It takes the weight off the vertebrae and relaxes the muscles. The support of water allows the spine to be moved in ways impossible on land. Gentle, gradual twists and pulls relieve the pressure a rigid spine places on nerves. The receiver experiences greater flexibility and freedom. During a session a range of emotions can come up and be released into the process of continuous flow.
It promotes deep relaxation, quieting the sympathetic and enhancing the parasympathetic nervous systems. It has profound beneficial effects for trauma, both physical and psycho-emotional, with therapeutic application for neuromuscular injuries, stress, chronic pain, discomfort during pregnancy.
'Connecting with the breath, sink a little on the out-breath ‘letting go what is not needed’ and rise with the in-breath, hanging out in the gap.'
Being held is therapeutic in and of itself - a natural re-bonding therapy.
I studied WaterDance™ (WATA®) in 1994 with Peter Shröter who developed it with Arjana Brunschwiler in 1987. I then continued my studies with Shantam and Richard Bock. WaterDance™ (WATA®) is a dynamic movement therapy that uses the three-dimensionality aspects of the underwater world.
Healing Dance®
I am a certified Healing Dance® Therapist having studied with Inika Spence and Alexander George, the creator of Healing Dance®.
I love the side holds, cozy, nurturing embryo positions and dynamic fast movements and often use them in my sessions. In the video above I demonstrate 17 different Healing Dance moves. Picture below demonstrates Inika with Masta in a Healing Dance.
See more magic from the creator himself.